Actionable Emails are designed to simplify the process of actioning and completing Workflows in Content Manger. Actionable Emails expands the Workflow task email notification function within Content Manager by providing a ‘click to complete’ action within the notification email for the workflow task.
The activities within Actionable Emails are dynamically generated from the configuration of the workflow and are capable of accommodating multiple results. Actionable Emails provide Web Client links to relevant workflow documents to allow easy access for review or modification.
This dynamic tool helps organisations ensure that workflow processes are followed with efficiency and ease.
Simplifying the Workflow Process
Listen to Karl Melrose and Alex White explain why Actionable Emails was created and how it works in the real world:
The current process to Complete a Workflow Task requires the user to open Content Manager and view the task to complete it:

Now with our Actionable Emails program the user can complete the Workflow Task within the notification email
Configurable Activities
Activities are dynamically generated from the workflow configuration.
If an activity has multiple results - choices are displayed
Compatible with all CM / RM versions that are capable of email templates and have Web Client installed and enabled as part of the Content Manager setup.
Our standard software support agreement includes access to the support help desk and new versions of the product as they become available.
How to Buy
For more information regarding Actionable Emails, or to arrange a product demonstration or questions, please contact Sigma Data Solutions - Ph: +61 8 6230 2213 or email